Totaler Mist
Totaler Mist
There are not enough choices for the questions to apply to you, the grammar is incorrect, the questions are vague. Crap app, this one! Thankfully its free.
I am 26 and it says I am 34. Not even close.
Absuolt crap good thing its a freebe cause im thirty not forty
First time it was 18 off second time, I tried more realistically, 21 off.
Dont press the second one because sex is bad
This was pretty terrible. It said Im 25 (Im 13)
Pretty stupid but it did say I was 33, it was close Im really 36.
Only adults can use it.
It is mental age. Not chronological age. They are two different things. There is nothing wrong with the app for its purpose.
Everyone is reviewing this bad because it does not guess their age correctly. But this app isnt supposed to guess your real age. It gives you an age based on your answers. An age at heart if you will. The app is fine.
Pretty awsome. They need more options( like the one if u have a car, I cant drive ) LOL. And it said I am 29 and Im only 13, I dont get how it thought I. Was 29 ( itd pretty stuped ) I think ppl should get this app and see how old there iPod thinks that are, lol
It crashes every time, as soon as you open it, it disappears.
Im 16 and it say 31 its just very stupid
Its aight. And for all the reviewers , this game is made not to determine youre real age but to get what age you think like ! Read the info again :)
I did the same answers twice diff age
It cool but it always say like 20 or 29 but I am just a kid! Plus they say stuff like what car but I cant even drive But it still fun to do when I am bored
It asks me are you younger than 21 and I said yes than it said that I was 29
It guessed my age bang on!!!! I do think some reviewers have to realize it is to guess your age you ****Think*** at, not your actual age. A slightly larger range of answers would be good ie. "mom drives me" 4 when it asks what car u drive, or "retired" or "student" 4 occupation... but hey, it just entertainment.
It said i was 34 and im 18 O_o